You matter to God
First United Methodist Church of Auburndale is a place where you can discover what it means to be beloved of God. You will be invited to explore who God is, who you are, and how being loved can inspire you to bring healing and wholeness to your life and your community. It's a messy thing, and we are all figuring it out as we go with grace and mercy.

Next Steps for Exploring your Identity as "Beloved Child of God"
Here are three ways you can connect with us in exploring what it means to be a beloved child of God.
Service Times
Sunday Morning
Vintage Style Service
10:30 am
Wednesday Evenings
Table Talk Connection
6:30 pm
Recent Worship Service
Looking to connect with our church?
Wondering what it might be like?
Maybe you are just away and want to stay connected.
Join us digitally, because God's love and the Christian faith know no boundaries!
You can watch our most recent service here, or click below and browse.
Wondering what it might be like?
Maybe you are just away and want to stay connected.
Join us digitally, because God's love and the Christian faith know no boundaries!
You can watch our most recent service here, or click below and browse.